Powerman World Series


*** POSTPONEMENT | New Race Date for Powerman Arizona is November 6th & 7th 2021! ***

13. Januar 2021 (15:24 Uhr)

We hope you all had a safe, healthy New Year holiday and the year is off to a great start! 
Most of you heard we started off the year 0 for 1 already with POWERMAN Arizona being canceled due to Covid concerns in Maricopa County. 
As if things were not tight enough for us, it is with great regret we now are at 0 for 2 in 2021. After a great chat with the good folks in Lake Havasu, Arizona it was decided even with all our proven Covid protocols in place there are still too many unknowns, even if we were given the green light 4 weeks out producing the event with restrictions.

With 65% of the athletes coming from west coast universities still under travel restrictions, the state of Arizona leading the way in covid spikes and just the gamble with not knowing if athletes are going to travel yet with Covid fears or week of cancellations of events. Given the fact that we have had over 30 events cancel we just cannot take another gamble like that again. 

So it is with continued regret all Havasu athletes from last year, the few that registered for this year will once again all be automatically transferred to what we HOPE will be the launch for the fall event, November 6,7. 

It is perfectly placed on the calendar 3 weeks after and 2 weeks before Ironman events in the state making it a great post-launch or taper event. 

So we now very much look for your support as we move into the spring with POWERMAN Michigan.

Stay tuned for more news and updates.  Stay safe and healthy!! 

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